
2.2.3. Maple belt of the generator of alternating current

This subsection describes operation of adjustment of a maple belt of the generator on cars with the 5-cylinder engine and a gear lath.

Arrangement of elements

1) weaken bolts And yes In (a gear lath) on one turn
2) weaken a hinged bolt of a support (it is not shown in the drawing)


Bolts of fastening have to be rather weakened that the generator could move freely under the weight.

3) rotation of a tension gear wheel With, achieve the required tension of a maple belt (a thumb of a free hand check a deviation in the middle between two pulleys)
for a new belt the deviation has to be about 2 mm
for an old belt the deviation has to be about 5 mm
4) keeping the required tension, tighten a bolt In to 35 N. of m.
5) tighten a bolt With to 20 N. of m.
6) tighten a hinged bolt (it is not shown in the drawing) to 35 N. of m.