a43d3481 Service life of tires

Service life of tires depends generally on the following factors:

Pressure in tires


The wrong pressure in tires results in the increased wear of tires and has an adverse effect on coupling of tires with the road, leading to loss of controllability of the car and injuries.

The wrong pressure in tires can lead to the fact that the tire can suddenly go down that will lead to accident and injuries.

Check pressure in tires twice a month and especially before distant trips. Do not forget to check also pressure in a spare wheel. Always check pressure in tires when tires cold. When tires warm, pressure is higher. Do not lower pressure in warm tires.

Use the exact sensor for measurement of pressure in tires. Do not pump up the tire up to the bigger pressure, than it is specified on lateral face of the tire. Pressure in the cold tire designates that the car faced check within at least 3 hours or passed no more than 1,5 km.

Always check pressure in the tire of a spare wheel when checking pressure in tires.

The required pressure in cold tires is given in the sticker pasted in a luggage carrier on the back panel.

For cars with big decorative caps: on gates extenders instead of dustproof caps are installed.

When checking pressure in tires, do not remove extenders of gates.

Style of driving

Abrupt turns, bystry dispersal and sharp braking increase the speed of wear of tires.

Balancing of wheels

Wheels on new the car are precisely balanced. After a certain period of operation, however, various reasons lead to disbalance of wheels. It can be noticeable as vibration at turns of a steering wheel.

As driving with the debalanced wheels results in bystry wear of the mechanism of steering, a suspension bracket and tires, wheels need to be balanced anew. It is necessary to carry out balancing of wheels every time after replacement of the tire or its repair.

Shift of tires

If forward tires wore out more, than back, we recommend that you traded places forward and back wheels as it is shown on an illustration.

Having performed this operation, you will provide to all the tires almost equal service life.

After shift of wheels, adjust pressure in tires and tighten bolts of fastening of wheels diagonalno to 110 N. of m.

Tires always have to remain on one party of the car.

Only if on tires there are unusual wear tracks, such, for example, as wear on edge of the tire, them it is necessary to replace diagonalno.

Wear of tires


The tires installed on the Audi cars by production have the wear indicators provided by a design. They are sealed on a bottom of flutes of a protector and become visible as strips about 12 mm thick when the drawing of a protector wears out so that depth of flutes will become equal 1.6 mm. Depending on that whose production of the tire, on them there are from 6 to 8 indicators of wear located evenly on a tire circle. Marks in the side surface of tires (for example, the letters "TWI" or a triangle) designate location of indicators of wear.