a43d3481 Check of the sensor of temperature of cooling liquid

The sensor of temperature informs the equipment of management on engine temperature. Depending on this temperature the regulator of a diaphragm establishes its situation. In case of damage of the sensor of temperature there can be difficulties at start of the engine at a low temperature as the diaphragm will not be completely closed.

1) remove a plug from the sensor of temperature and measure its resistance. At a temperature of +20 °C it has to equal 2000–3000 Ohms
2) connect a plug to temperature sensor, start the engine and warm up it up to the normal working temperature
3) kill the engine, repeat measurement of resistance which at a temperature of +90 °C has to equal 200–300 Ohms

Changes of resistance depending on temperature are presented on graphics.

Sensor resistance
It is in details possible to make check of the sensor of temperature, placing it in a vessel with water and gradually warming up it. At the time of heating of water up to the corresponding temperature, measure sensor resistance.

In case of difference in the measured sizes, it is necessary to replace temperature sensor.